How to select a Contractor
October 1, 2022
Kristie A. Scott in
Hurricane Ian Claims
It is time to rebuild Southwest Florida after the devastating impact of Hurricane Ian.
In doing so, Light Path Law, P.A. thought best to share some best practices about how to select a Contractor. Please consider the following before hiring a contractor to perform repairs or rebuild your home. First, remember that this is a longstanding arrangement. You may only get one chance to choose the right contractor!
- Check with your Insurance Company. Your insurance company can help you determine whether the work is covered. You can also determine whether they recommend a certain Contractor. A contractor that has to answer to you and insurance company is likely to do a better job.
- Get multiple estimates. Light Path Law P.A. recommends getting at least three written, itemized estimates.
- Watch for Red Flags. The Florida Attorney General recommends being wary of anyone who (1) approaches you unsolicited, (2) offers a substantial discount with leftover supplies, (3) uses high pressure sales tactics, or (4) requires full payment “up front”.
- Research the Contractor:
- Is the contractor licensed? You can visit Florida’s Department of Business and Professional Regulation to make sure the contractor is properly licensed by clicking here. Using a Florida Licensed Contractor will help provide you protections in the event something goes wrong.
- Have you obtained a referral? Check with trusted friend and neighbors for references. You may even check with the Better Business Bureau or online websites an reviews to see what people are saying about the contractor.
- Is the contractor insured? You need to make sure that the insurance policy is current. Next, you should also check to see if the contractor is bonded with a bonding agency.
- Review & Understand the Contract. Read the entire contract and check to see if the contract has print on the back and front of each page. Do not allow the contractor to rush you. Read everything. If there is something that you do not understand, feel free to contact us and we are happy to review and interpret contracts for you. You should also make sure that the contract provides you with a right to cancel within three days.
- If you run into a problem, contact a lawyer. Our firm handles conflicts with contractors and we are happy to see if there is something that we can do to help.
We wish you the best and we pray that you have a good experience rebuilding.